Sunday, 13 September 2009

Migraine, murder and mayhem

I was rearranging some pebbles, and found I was having trouble focusing on them and thought it is time I had my eyes checked. I soon realised that it was a migraine attack ; I have not had for years. Soon I was unable to see, and Mas made me a cup of tea and I sat down quietly until all the visuals disappeared which only took about half an hour.

I spent most of the day relaxing, and sat in the conservatory with Salty who was asleep. Later I discovered that the lump on him was an abscess, and I cleaned him up carefully after it had burst. Almost immediately he looked better than he had for a few days, and was bright eyed and wanting to play, and his appetite was back to normal!

I finished Peter Ackroyd's The Fall of Troy which was a darkly compelling story, and in the evening we watched the new Agatha Christie's Marple, which is completely dotty, but like a Midsomer Murder has beautiful scenery despite people being killed to the left and right until the killer is almost the only one left standing. Afterwards we watched the stylish French thriller series called Spiral despite it being very violent.

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