Mas took the bus back, and I walked. As it happened I arrived home before he did as there was some kind of delay, and received a warm welcome from Salty (this sounds nice, but is extremely bitey). Here is the mean kitty song:
I talked to Diane for a while, and we planned to meet when she next visits the Royal Free. In the evening we watched one of our films called The Edge (featuring Bart the bear) and Anthony Hopkins; we have seen this before, and interrupted it to watch an NCIS. I had a hard time sleeping and only managed about three hours all night.
This morning the postman called before breakfast so I scooped up the cat before I opened the door to stop him running out. The postman thought Salty was lovely, and luckily was stroking him so much he did not look at me which was just as well; I had not combed my hair or put my face on and so he avoided a shock.
The parcel sent by Toby and Romy contained some soft rainbow coloured knitting wool, some bamboo needles, a knitting pattern from Joan and a mobile of humming birds. Some of the birds had lost wings and tails, but Barry next door gave me some glue and before long it was fixed

We are planning to put it in the conservatory, but where the cat will not be able to reach it! I spoke to Toby later, and caught up with his news.
We watched a Rosemary and Tyme episode in the evening, and went early to bed.
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