Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Sunday roast and coffee with Florence
Monday, I walked down to the doctor's for a routine appointment, and later walked around the shops picking up a few items. Mas and I seem to be caught up doing all manner of boring household things which need doing today.
On Tuesday afternoon I walked down towards Edgware. As I was waiting to cross the road Wynford from next door passed me, and said 'Hello Margaret' and leaned out of the car window and waved; a huge truck was following him, and the driver hailed me in the same way which made me laugh. I met Florence and a friend in Starbucks, and we had a drink and piece of cake each while chatting for a long time. Although I talk to Florence on the phone quite often, we had not met up for at least a couple of years.
Friday, 27 March 2009
Painless and painful injections
Later in the afternoon I phoned Tania and Robert; they had taken Mas out for a meal while I was away which was good of them.
On Friday Mas took me to the dentist where I had my tooth prepared for a crown after a painful injection, and impressions were taken. We then went to The Man in the Moon for lunch. Florence phoned and chatted, and Toby did as well.
In the evening we watched one of the old X Files and NCIS before going to bed.
Wednesday, 25 March 2009
Leaving Guernsey and arriving home
The flight home was very quick. All the passengers left the plane in a group, and as a group we lost our way and eventually came to an emergency exit. The leading man, without a second thought broke the emergency alarm to open the door, and he sped through, ignoring the alarm bell. The rest of us waited like lost sheep until we were escorted into the airport.
Eventually I bought a train ticket to Mill Hill Broadway, which mysteriously was more expensive than the one I had bought to take me to the airport; I was assured that this was correct! Mas met me at Mill Hill as planned, and we went home. Salty was coolly pleased to see me, and after a few welcoming bites nonchalantly strolled off into the garden. Mas and I snuck off to have a pub lunch together.
Pete called in the evening to see if I had got home safely.
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Last day of holiday
Monday, 23 March 2009
Family news and dinner at La Bella Luce
I was to meet Roy at La Croix Guerrin cafe, skirting round the community centre, and looking through the window I saw a couple doing formal ballroom dancing in an otherwise empty room. Once at the Croix Guerrin I waited for half an hour amid the other people dining, and then had a tasty bowl of home made soup and hot bread before leaving, knowing that something unforeseen must have detained Roy.
I walked back to the hotel for Pete and we walked to the Old Post and walked down behind the church and eventually found ourselves on the Colburn Road, having passed a house that had this lovely flowering bush in the front garden.

Once we reached town we had a quick coffee at Les Pieds de la Reine. The market has been converted; the inside has a cafe in it, with shops around the edges. It seems such a shame that this historic building has changed so much, it used to be very colourful to see all the fruit, vegetables, fish and meat on display in earlier times.

I did a bit of shopping in town, then we went into a small cafe beside the bus terminus and had a baked potato each, while two ladies at a table near us were speaking patois, which is unusual these days. Afterwards we walked along the pier towards the castle, while looking at the boats in the harbour. We tried also tried to find Pete's poem on the bus without success, and eventually got the bus back to St.Martins.
Once back at La Barberie I found that Roy had left a message, so I called him and found he had been taken ill when we were supposed to meet so we had a chat and I spoke to Nora too. I called in to see Betty briefly to arrange to meet tomorrow.
Pete and I walked to the Bella Luce and had a drink at the bar before having a nice meal there. They have altered the bar and have called part of it Lucifer's bar quite inappropriately as it is done in fresh light colours. Many years ago there was a Lucifer's Bar, but it could only be entered from the outside and had a flooring of coloured glass squares providing the light, and booths to sit in and was very glamorous and exotic.
After we left the Bella Luce we walked off to Icart as it was a nice evening. Once at the point I showed Pete the spot where Toby and I had seen a wraith like ghost rising from the ground like a white flame; it was very weird at the time.
Sunday, 22 March 2009
Walking before Sunday lunch with Betty
We walked down lanes that we had never seen before and it was very peaceful. We came upon a field that had unusual sheep in it with white lambs with black patches around their shoulders, we found out later that they were Jacob's sheep and further on another field containing sheep, rabbits and a lama.

We had been invited to lunch by Betty, so we went round to their house and had a nice meal with her and Mavis with time to catch up on all their news and conversations, a relaxing time. Betty gave me a book to read which she had enjoyed, called 'Labyrinth' by Kate Mosse, which looks very interesting.
Saturday, 21 March 2009
Marathon walks and new friends
Friday, 20 March 2009
Moulin Huet to Jerbourg before dinner with Betty

Dining room

Thursday, 19 March 2009
Walking and talking and chats with the cat

We walked down Burnt Lane and went into the church, Notre Dame du Rosiare, which was filled with the sounds of children playing from the school next door. This is a lovely church with rather modern stained glass windows, a granite altar, and a vaulted ceiling shaped like an upturned ship in warm coloured wood.We had some bean jar for lunch at Les Poids de la Reine before catching the bus back to St. Martins.
We then went for a cliff walk as the weather was so beautiful, and Pete pointed out a bench overlooking the sea that had been placed there in memory of my aunt.

Back at La Barbarie Hotel I was called to the small Reception to answer the phone; it was Mas on the line, and he wanted me to speak to the cat, who I could hear meowing in the background. I did speak to the cat, despite the startled and wary looks from other guests who were passing.
Later Pete and I collected Betty, who I had visited earlier, and we went off to the Captain's for chats and a drink.
Wednesday, 18 March 2009
Guernsey getaway

Tuesday, 17 March 2009
Last minute preparations
I spent time thinking about what to pack to take to Guernsey, rather ineffectually.
In the evening we watched an old 'X file' story and a 'Ghost Whisperer' which Mas likes before going off to bed to a restless nights sleep.
Today I met Diane, after she had an appointment, at the Royal Free Hospital. We walked to The George, Diane having fruit juice and I had ginger beer. We caught up with each other's news, and then we went home; Diane planning to go out on her cycle and me to pack.
Sunday, 15 March 2009
spring and well behaved deceptive computer
Unexpectedly Maheena called round to say Satish could look at my computer for me. An hour later they came back and Satish gave it a thorough going over. True to form the computer was on its best behaviour and seemed to be perfect. Satish thought that the hard drive may have a problem. The children, in the meantime were having fun with Salty.
Later Mas and I watched another episode of the No 1 Ladies Detective agency which was good.
Saturday, 14 March 2009
Found friends and the No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency
In the evening we watched the No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency that was shown once before, and this series will continue tomorrow. The stories were written by Alexander McCall Smith and are the antithesis of most detective stories as they have a very strong feel good factor and are very entertaining too. After that we watched a good episode of Frost, before taking ourselves off to bed.
Friday, 13 March 2009
The Affordable Art exhibition
Mas and I then went back to Edgware, had a sandwich and coffee at the small cafe near the station and then tubed it to Sloan Square where we followed our own tradition of having a glass of white wine in the downstairs bar of the Oriel

We were waiting for the shuttle bus and we noticed this thin building, and imagined that the room inside must have an end of about four feet wide, but when we moved the view changed.

The bus arrived, and we were taken into Battersea Park to the Affordable Art show.
The art on display was interesting, and some seemed very good. I had a chance to talk to Linda Blackstone who has been having a busy and eventful time with her family. She was wearing red like me, but I noticed how many people were dressed in sober black and white while looking at the art.

I rather liked these animal pictures, and thought a dog sculpture rather fun and clever as it was constructed using soft toys stitched together on a wooden frame.

I admired some ceramics by Clare Wakefield which looked very organic and some as if found on a beach, the vases had some movable parts. http://clarewakefield.co.uk/

We had a soft drink before coming back home on the tube. We were both feeling really tired after spending the whole day looking at art. We dragged ourselves into the car, only to find it would not start! After trying for a while I was about to give up the ghost, but Mas persisted, and it eventually started and we drove thankfully home.
Thursday, 12 March 2009
Red nose and black cloths
Mas, in the meantime had got ready to go down to London to meet someone in connection with his web site. Taking the opportunity I vacuumed the house and set things to rights (it is odd how often this needs to be done!)
I spoke to Diane who is going ahead with her Red Nose escapade tomorrow, but has to have a meeting with the Health and Safety people first. I also managed to do some mending and put fresh elastic into various essential items of clothing in between hectic play and fight sessions with Salty.
Mas returned rather late and tired having lost his way at one point. When he eventually arrived the doorman asked if he had come for The Wake, and Mas thought he was in the wrong place again, and he was too tired to understand the humour then ( Mas was dressed from head to foot in black), but we were laughing about it in bed that night. It is odd how often we end the day laughing.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Lunchtime fun and deficient teeth
When we were home again Mas passed me a single piece of organic chocolate, and the filling I had on Monday came out! (It is enough to make you grind your teeth... if only I had the equipment!)
Toby called briefly to say that the medical test he had today showed that he is well; this made up for all the annoyance over the tooth incident.
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Fiddley medical things and cat menace
Sunday, 8 March 2009
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Routines and surprises
Mas took the bus back, and I walked. As it happened I arrived home before he did as there was some kind of delay, and received a warm welcome from Salty (this sounds nice, but is extremely bitey). Here is the mean kitty song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?hl=en-GB&v=Qit3ALTelOo&NR=1&gl=GB
I talked to Diane for a while, and we planned to meet when she next visits the Royal Free. In the evening we watched one of our films called The Edge (featuring Bart the bear) and Anthony Hopkins; we have seen this before, and interrupted it to watch an NCIS. I had a hard time sleeping and only managed about three hours all night.
This morning the postman called before breakfast so I scooped up the cat before I opened the door to stop him running out. The postman thought Salty was lovely, and luckily was stroking him so much he did not look at me which was just as well; I had not combed my hair or put my face on and so he avoided a shock.
The parcel sent by Toby and Romy contained some soft rainbow coloured knitting wool, some bamboo needles, a knitting pattern from Joan and a mobile of humming birds. Some of the birds had lost wings and tails, but Barry next door gave me some glue and before long it was fixed

We are planning to put it in the conservatory, but where the cat will not be able to reach it! I spoke to Toby later, and caught up with his news.
We watched a Rosemary and Tyme episode in the evening, and went early to bed.
Thursday, 5 March 2009
A 'normal' house with interesting music
Later I went for a walk, just to keep up the exercise, and we watched The Bill in the evening.
Today Mas had to go for physiotherapy for his arm again. I walked down to the doctors and changed my appointment day, then went into the library and borrowed CDs of Jacques Lousier and Jan Garbarek music. Then I went home, vacuumed and tidied up. Our home looks almost back to normal now. The crooked pictures, knocked over lamp, sooty footprints and cat toys have all been put to rights again.
We watched New Tricks in the evening, then I washed the dishes and had a brief but intense fight with the cat on the bed (Salty purring loudly throughout), before I started doing mending and listening to the radio. Listening to Late Junction, I heard Nigel Kennedy and the Kroke band playing Lullaby for Kamila.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Travelling hedgehogs and other friends

Marion phoned and Mas and I talked to her for a long time; we are hoping to get together soon, but just now she is feeling ill with a bug. Margaret called round too, bringing some photos that she took during her special lunch, and had some tea. Someone else called round to talk to Mas, and Pete phoned as well. He is going to Guernsey, and I am going as well, but not for as long as he is, but he is making the arrangements for it.
In the evening we saw The Witches of Eastwick as once again there was nothing interesting to watch on TV.
Monday, 2 March 2009
Loosing the will to live but saved by chocolate
Our neighbour, the one with garden gnomes, called over the fence to Mas and gave us six bars of exotic organic dark chocolate, which is the second time he has done this! No doubt it helps to restore the karmic balance. Also it tastes lovely! In the evening we watched the film First Wives Club as there was nothing worth watching on TV.
Sunday, 1 March 2009
Tea party
Saturday was similarly uneventful. Monika phoned trying to arrange that we do a six mile walk around St. Albans next Wednesday. Both her boys have had Chicken Pox recently, luckily Olga is staying and can help. I walked to the library and returned my CD and books, but unluckily I had forgotten my library ticket so could not get any new ones out.
On Sunday morning we got a phone call saying that they had found our cat's collar in their garden, as they were only five houses away the little girl brought it back for us, and she came in to see who it belonged to, and met a sleepy Salty.
Later we drove off to Christiane and Eddie's home as we had been invited to tea as it will soon be Christiane's birthday. We had a really nice time chatting to everyone, and met more of their family and friends which we enjoyed as well. They had prepared a lovely buffet, and Christian had also made some sushi which was really tasty.
The view from their front door shows the lit up arch of Wembley Stadium.