On Sunday we had invited Tania, Robert and Diane over hoping that the weather would be good enough to eat out in the garden, but it was cooler with a chilly breeze. Luckily the house was still fair
ly tidy so we could concentrate on preparing the food until they arrived.

This exotic huge flower, which Glen and Barry gave us last year, has flowered at last.
We had a nice afternoon with our friends, Mas cooking rather too much food. We managed to sit in the garden for some time, but it was a bit chilly. Later Robert and Tania gave Diane a lift to the station before going home themselves.
We went off to bed quite early as we were feeling tired after our marathon entertaining weekend.
On Monday we got up early as Mas had to go to the Royal Free Hospital for some tests. Salty was not to be seen, usually he is waiting for us to get up. We had breakfast, and I drove Mas to the station.
Salty had not eaten any food during the night, and had not slept at home. When it began raining quite heavily I became more concerned as I know if he was nearby he would come indoors to get out of the rain. I phoned Pete, telling him I thought someone may have stolen him as he is so handsome; Pete said he wasn't and that no one would want him as he has such an ugly tail!
I walked down to Edgware whistling as shrilly as I could looking for him, and getting some strange looks on the way.
Mas came home from the hospital happy to have got the tests over with, and relieved that there is nothing serious the matter, and went round the block looking for Salty without any luck.
When it began to get dark I walked in a different direction, whistling again. I could not see him, but walking past Margaret and John's house I spotted him and called. He gave me such an indifferent look that I had to look carefully at him to make sure it was him. He moved from front garden to front garden, then he sat down next to two small cats and they all looked at me! I got hold of him and marched round the bend to our house with him growling all the time, I had obviously shown him up in front of his friends!
I had an email from Joan. Spring has finally come to her part of Ontario and she sent these pictures of Wake Robins and Dog Toothed Violets growing in the woods

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