Yesterday after doing our usual chores we went swimming at Copthall, and came home feeling quite virtuous. I spoke to Pete too, catching up our news. In the evening we watched the X Files and The Bill, then I went off to listen to some cheerful music while I did the washing up.
Today we had breakfast, and then went to collect Tania from St. Albans. The three of us drove off to historic Hatfield House to look at The Living Crafts show. weather was extremely windy all day and mostly grey and overcast, but luckily there were only occasional showers. As we went on a Friday there were not too many crowds, and the weather had pr

obably put some people off as well.
This jazz quartet, The Franklin Street New Orleans jazz band is usually playing to a large surrounding crowd of enthusiastic people, but today they were cold and almost being blown away and could only be distinctly heard down wind, but they were all being cheerful still.
Tania was interested in the weaving and felt making guilds, and may visit them later. She bought a small hand loom in the meantime to get started and to try it out. I was interested in the silk painting section.

Beautiful Barn Owl being shown in aid of owl protection.

Prise winning angora sheep; there were lots of hand spun and woven items for sale.
We saw lots of work by some of the craftspeople that we admire. There was a group of children doing maypole dancing, but as most of the children were at school there was not a Punch and Judy show, or Morris dancing which we have usually seen. We stayed till the end, but it all became empty quickly, lots of people being intimidated by the high winds. Let us hope for the exhibitors sake that the weather improves for the weekend.

We drove Tania home, and admired the spring flowers in the garden including black tulips. Mas was feeling very tired, but we found that Tania had phoned Robert earlier and asked him to put the roast into the oven, which he had done. This unexpected meal was delicious and we really enjoyed it.
Later I drove us home, and we watched a NCIS before going off to bed.