Yesterday I went off to hospital bright and early and had another chemo. session. As usual everyone was helpful and pleasant, and I also had a complimentary foot massage while I was having my treatment and the lady who was doing it was very interesting to talk to as well.
At the end of the afternoon I went home and Mas collected me from the station. I felt tired and was having lots of weird sensations, and after dinner and watching a Frasier I took myself off to bed early, and Mas soon came up to bed too.
Today I woke feeling much better and we decided to go off to St. Albans as usual and get shopping and to meet Tania and Robert in Sazio's for lunch. Mas bought a really comfortable pair of shoes. As it will be Robert's birthday soon he bought a bottle of wine for us to celebrate the occasion with. Afterwards we walked through a French Market which visits St. Albans now and then and looked at the different soaps and dried and preserved fruits.

Pete phoned from Guernsey; he had been doing all the usual familiar things in St. Martin's, and while he phoned was waiting for the bus to take him to Town to meet up with Poppy and Ben.
Mas went off to get a little more shopping and we had a relaxed evening.
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