Friday, 9 January 2009

Chores, hospital mix-ups and music

On Thursday I received a letter and calendar from my friend Heidi, who lives in Basle, which was a nice surprise. Apart from that, Mas and I had a busy but rather uninteresting day doing housework and fixing up the garden fence still, and I went for another walk. In the evening we watched The Bill which seems increasingly depressing each week.

On Friday Mas was supposed to go for a blood test, but there had been a mix up, and as he had not been fasting it had to be rearranged. He did manage to finish the fence repairs though. We went to bed late, and I could not sleep so listened to music on the radio, Through the Night with Jonathan Swain, and luckily he played Janacek's String Quartet, number one, which I really like.

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