Friday, 30 April 2010
More aggravation
Wednesday, 28 April 2010
A very tasty treat.
Later I planted out the geraniums into our window boxes, watering them in afterwards.
This morning we found a small dead mouse in the hall which we disposed of before breakfast.
Later we travelled down to Leicester Square, and then walked to the National Portrait Gallery. We were going to have lunch at the restaurant there; this was a present from Romy and Toby which we had been looking forward to. We had several drinks and a three course meal with another bottle of wine while looking out of the window at this London view.

The restaurant was full, but we took our time and really enjoyed the meal. We were so full that on the way home we both fell asleep on the tube. It is a good thing that our stop is at the end of the line!
Tuesday, 27 April 2010
Bad health and setbacks overcome by laughter
Sunday was a horrible day as we had problems with AOL all day, and the computers seem to have a problem too. The cat bought in another mouse.
Mas has started coughing badly again, and he gets so breathless that he passes out. As the doctors are not open today we went to the drop in centre at Edgware hospital. After waiting for a couple of hours Mas saw the doctor who thought he should have an x-ray. Once this was done we went off home again, and Mas took it easy until bedtime.
On Monday morning Mas was feeling better, and the weather is cooler again. AOL is still not working properly, and our computers are useless. To cheer ourselves up we had lunch at the Man in the Moon and then collected some groceries.
In the afternoon I painted a bit more of Pete's picture. In the evening we watched The Burbs which is funny, and one of our favourite standbys to cheer ourselves up.
Friday, 23 April 2010
A long days holiday
We walked across fields until we came out near the Elstree golf club; we were hailed by one of the golfers who said we had bought him luck as he had just played a very good shot. As we passed the golf club we decided to see if we could have a coffee, even if we were not members. We had a really nice coffee which was surprisingly inexpensive. We sat outside, in a friendly atmosphere where a group of golfers were joking with each other.
Once we left we crossed the road and walked a familiar way over the fields
and passed lots of horses. All the hedges were topped by blackthorn bushes in flower.
We passed a large home, close to the sheep below, which had its own helicopter parked in the garden. Its body was covered in protective clothing. We speculated on who would need their own personal helicopter. I suggested it may belong to a heavy duty criminal who may need a quick getaway, but as Jana said it would take at least half an hour to get the 'copter's jacket off, so we discarded that theory.
Thursday, 22 April 2010
Treading water, and a surprise out of the blue
I did some gardening, and re potted the parsley , and saw a rather moth eaten fox twice in the garden next door ,before trying to catch up on phone calls and emails. Romy invited us to go on holiday with her, Toby, Joan and Dick!
I took Mason's temperature which was 106 which gave me a terrible shock, luckily I had another thermometer and was relieved that his temperature was almost normal. I drove him off to the doctor and he was given antibiotics and antibiotic eye drops for his eye infection.
Today Mason's eyes are much better, but his cough is still troublesome. I did some painting; the Deaths Head Moth for Peter, while Mas was trying to take things a bit easy.
Sunday, 18 April 2010
Busy time with friends
We took the opportunity while Jana is still grounded over here to have her, Monika, Oktay and the boys to come over tomorrow for a visit.
We watched an episode of Wallander in the evening.
On Sunday our friends arrived as expected, and we had a really nice time with them all. The boys were being very sweet, and Milan was making jokes, the weather was nice enough fotr the boys to go into the garden. Mas made a nice meal which we enjoyed, but they had to leave before too long as Milan is back to school tomorrow, and Monika is studying too.
Friday, 16 April 2010
Natural disasters and IT problems

Wednesday, 14 April 2010
A sociable day to remember
After Pete, Mas and I had a light breakfast and chats Jana arrived. Jana had not met Pete before, but said afterwards that she felt as if she knew him already as I have talked about him so much. Sadly Pete had to go off to Brighton so could not spend more time with us.
Leaving Mas to work on his computer Jana and I headed off into the countryside where we walked over fields from Alum Lane and through woods; the weather was grey and cold which was a shame. We neared The Waggon and Horses pub in Elstree (built in 1471), and decided to have a coffee there. We found that the pub was not open because the decorators were working in the back, but the barman kindly said that he would make us a coffee, so we sat and chatted, and there was a lot to talk about as we had not seen each other for a year; it was hard to believe that Jana had returned home to live in the Czech Republic four years ago!
We sat near this fireplace which had a lit fire in the grate.
Before long we headed off home because Oktay was coming to pick us all up around 1.30pm, to take us off to his home in Cheshunt.
As arranged Oktay called in for us and we drove off to Cheshunt; it was lovely to see Monika and the children, Milan and Talu who were both looking well and happy despite having recently been under the weather. Monika and Oktay are having a new garden made, and although there is still more work to be done it is already looking very interesting.
Monika made a huge and interesting dinner with many courses which we ate in a leisurely way, talking and drinking. Monika had taken a course in making cake decorations, and she made this cake and the decorations too.

Jana and I played with the children upstairs for a while, me playing noughts and crosses with Milan who was cheating, when I mentioned this he agreed and said he always cheated! Jana took him aside and had a quiet word with him about this, while I played with Talu. Milan then demonstrated how he can turn cartwheels!
When we went down later we had a glass of Slivovitz and more chat and snacks until it was time to go home again. It was sad parting from everyone and saying goodbye to Jana who will be off to Spain, and taking a weeks lessons while she is there.
Once home again Toby called and had a quick chat. A very nice but tiring day!
Tuesday, 13 April 2010
Routine days then a visit from Pete
On Tuesday Jana phoned and said she could go for a walk tomorrow, and she would arrive around 9.00am. Mas and I took some videos over to Margaret's and John's and had chats with them. Pete came round in the early evening, and we sat around chatting about his concert, and looking at the score; Pete unreasonably refused to drink some beer which we had discovered at the back of the cupboard that was less than ten years past its' use by date! Mas made a lovely turkey dinner which we drank with some wine. It was a nice evening.
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
Entertaining and a sad event
Barry, Wynford and Rupa arrived (from next door) at 8.00pm as arranged, and we sat about talking until dinner was ready. Mason had made a scrumptious meal which everyone enjoyed in a leisurely fashion. After desserts and coffee we talked some more, and we went back into the sitting room until they left to go home. It had been a nice evening.
Today we had the very sad news that a young relative had died, and had various communications which set Mas back a bit. For a change it was warm and sunny, and I saw the first bumble bee, ladybird and hover fly of the year which is always cheering.
I spent most of the day painting as I am trying to finish these pictures for Pete in a reasonable time.
Sunday, 4 April 2010
Mostly a working week, interrupted by the TV
Friday, and I walked for an hour on this grey and dreary day. For a break we watched an old Diagnosis Murder, and I sent off a few e mails, and listened to a lot of religious classical music. Later, during the night it rained really heavily, and Salty spent an hour frenziedly rushing up and down the stairs during the night and occasionally yelping loudly, sooo restful!
On Saturday, we went as usual to St. Albans, and met Tania and Robert in Sazios and had a long and cheerful lunch before shopping and driving home again. Driving is quite hazardous at the moment as there are such large and deep potholes in the road surface after the icy weather.
Both Mas and I felt really tired in the evening, but watched another excellent, understated, episode of Wallendar . Luckily Salty did not put in an appearance all night, so we felt quite rested when we got up on Sunday morning.
Today was warm and sunny, so we did a lot of gardening. I did some drawing while listening to an old Hancock's Half Hour on the radio; the famous one about the Blood Donor. In the evening we had a bit of a TV fest, watching Monk, Foyle's War and A Touch of Frost, then we went off to bed before the men in white coats came to take us away!