Before that however, they had been invited to give an interview on BBC Guernsey radio about their book, their poetry and themselves. Mas and I listened to the interview which I thought went very well. Jenny Kendall-Tobias did the interview, and read a few of their poems, and was obviously moved by them. When Pete and Richard had left the studio she said that reading the poetry had made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end!
Pete called shortly afterwards and said that the book launch would start around 5.30pm, and that Jenny had asked them to do another interview on BBC Guernsey on Tuesday the 6th of July, so he would stay an extra day in Guernsey for that.
I love your work, and love the backdrop story to how you got about to being inspired to paint these awesome pieces!! Keep doing what your doing, and never be discouraged!
Thanks for your kind comments,it is nice to know someone out there likes my paintings.
you really are good. i showed my friends all your paintings and they loved them too!! i'm the same person that commented before, i'm 19 years old and i enjoy your paintings very much. : ) I dont have a google account thats why i have to be anonymous.
I am glad to hear your friends liked them too. If you don't want to stay anonymous my email is:
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